My Very first webpage & domain

By:Alejandro Chavez

 A bit about me

Hi there! My name is Alejandro Chavez and welcome to my domain. This is a fun experiance for me as This is my first Webpage design So I hope you enjoy it. I am taking this as a class project for a class in Goerge Mason University,It may not have been the class I was expecting but it certainly was an exicitng change. As of now I have learned the rules of copyright for digital law,learned the first introductions of coding for HTML and CSS, and of course learned to use word press.

What are my hobbies?

I Like to think I am a man of many things outside of school. When in Univeristy I am a simple history Major wanting to understand all forms of hidden history that our contry and that of the world has to offer. It has always been imprortant to me that someone remembers the history we as a species has lived through because of there is no one to remember the history of those who came before,whos to say the generation that comes next will feel obligated to remember out stories?


I really enjoy cooking,in particular I absolutly love barbecue and Mexican food. Being from the South I think it may be a more cultureal influance to me but I like to think it is just because the food is good.


A Passion that greatly carrys me through the days when starring at a screen becomes to draining Running has been something I have always enjoyed since I was a boy.Some don’t enjoy it because of the strain but I have thankfully seemed to surpass that threashold. It simply feels like I can be rejuvenated as I leave the worries of my life behind for 20-30 minutes in a safe and healthy manner

PC gamming

Sometimes in order to get a break from a constant screen I need some RnR while still being on the screen. This is best shown by my playing a small,but entertaining list of PC games that I enjoy after a long days work. I like all of the games I have but my favorite has to go to a game called Rimworld, A futeristic survival experiance where you have to build a colony on an unexplored area of space.

What have we already done?

Though I am still fairly new to this line of work I have indeed done some other coding and edititing before. In this time I have done some minor work in HTML.Below on the Link is an end reslult of one project using HTML and CSS format.

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